Now available: “class packages” that auto renew!
If you’d rather just pay once a month for your yoga instead of getting more class packages, this option is for you!
Cost: $150/month.
This monthly membership gives you access to:
-UNLIMITED Neil-Coppola Private Chair Yoga classes per month
-AT LEAST 8 recorded class videos per month, even if you aren’t signed up for the class
Cost: $100/month
This monthly membership gives you access to:
-EIGHT Neil-Coppola Private Chair Yoga classes per month
-8 recorded class videos per month, even if you aren’t signed up for the class
Both options auto-renew each month, approximately 30 days from your start date. You’ll receive confirmation emails of your renewal each month, which will have links to be able to cancel/manage your membership.
YOU WILL STILL NEED TO SIGN UP FOR CLASSES YOU WANT TO TAKE! You can either do that through the website (and just use your membership code) or email me and tell me when you’d like to sign up.
And I’ll still be available for any assistance you might need.
INTERESTED? Visit this page or email/text/call me and I’ll help you sign up.